With an increasing awareness of the importance of mental health with our youth, providing them with opportunities to explore their emotional programming and develop skills and strategies to process their emotions in a healthy, mindful way, is necessary and powerful. This 4 hour workshop for ages 9-12 will help your child improve self-regulating behaviours, natural conflict resolution, focus and concentration, problems solving skills, compassion for others, communication skills and much more. Through Journaling, Mindful activities and discussion they will engage both their left and right brain for exploring a deeper awareness of the physical, mental and emotional aspects of their minds and bodies. They will learn how to take their body out of emergency mode, help de-stress and manage anxiety and emotions.
The workshop fee is $50 and included is a personal journal, a 1 hour yoga session led by Taryn McDonald of Untamed Balance Yoga and snacks for the afternoon.
Space is limited to 20 participants.
Please email bodytalklaura@gmail.com to register.